25th June, 1963. Sixty years ago. The birth of Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou in East Finchley.
The world would later come to know him (and Zelda would come to love him) as George Michael, first as half of the duo Wham! and later as a solo artist. He died on Christmas Day in 2016.

George was a beautiful soul who found it hard to cope with fame, fortune and the pressures they brought. After his death, many charities revealed how much he had privately supported them for years.
His song Careless Whisper is one of the greatest ever written.
When Zelda has George for a meal, she will be serving this (with thanks to Dr Spooner) as a happy memory of one of the best summers of her youth.
Here is Wham Rap:
And here is: 'HAM' WRAP
1 egg, beaten4tbsp self-raising flour
200ml milk
2 wholemeal wraps
30g cheddar, grated
4 slices vegetarian ‘ham’
2tbsp onion chutney
spray oil
fresh coriander leaves to serve
Serves 2
Place each wrap on a plate and coat with the onion chutney.
Spray a non-stick pan and heat.
Pour half the batter into the pan and tip so that all the base is coated.
Cook until the batter bubbles and the base is firm.
Pour half the batter into the pan and tip so that all the base is coated.
Cook until the batter bubbles and the base is firm.
Turn the pancake and cook the other side.
Keep warm while you repeat to make the second pancake.
Place the pancakes on top of the wraps.
Keep warm while you repeat to make the second pancake.
Place the pancakes on top of the wraps.