To be fair, The Peaky
Blinders don’t seem to eat much, preferring to spend their time drinking and
fighting. This, however, is based on an old Black Country recipe which Zelda thinks that
the charismatic leader, Thomas Shelby, might enjoy if she managed to get him to
sit down for long enough (or it would make a good snack to take on one of his 'jobs').
This veggie version of
Brummie Bacon Cakes was always going to include my favourite fake bacon…
1tbsp oil
4 rashers of vegetarian
225g self-raising flour
25g butter, cut into small
75g mature cheddar, grated
160ml milk
1tbsp tomato ketchup
½tsp salt
Heat the oil in a pan and
cook the bacon. Then drain and cut bacon into small pieces.
Sift the flour and salt
into a bowl and add the butter. Rub between fingertips until the texture of

Place the wedges on a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper, coat with the rest of the milk and sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top.