The reckless, thieving Jem Merlyn can hardly be called a 'hero'. After all, he is the brother of Joss, the evil landlord of Jamaica Inn. But, in Daphne du Maurier's dark novel about Cornish wreckers, published in 1936, though set in the nineteenth century, he provides romance and might just provide salvation, if only he can be trusted.

The closest I have found was by Trevor Eve back in 1983.
If Jem came to dinner, I would take something traditionally Cornish, and add a bit of spice. Quite appropriate, I think.
serves 2
serves 2
200g ready-made shortcrust
3 veggie sausages (e.g.
Quorn), defrosted if frozen
1 medium onion, chopped
2tbsp chilli sauce
Splash of milk
Remove them from the pan and
chop into small pieces.
Heat the remaining oil in
the same pan and fry the onion until soft and golden.
Turn off the heat and
return the sausage to the pan. Add the chilli sauce and mix well.
Allow to cool.
Divide the pastry in two
and roll out each piece into a circle.
Place a little milk around
the edge, fold over and crimp the edges.
Place on baking paper on a tray and coat with a little milk.
Place on baking paper on a tray and coat with a little milk.
Cook at Gas 8/ 230°C/ 450°F
for about 10 minutes. Then turn oven down to Gas 6/ 200°C/ 400°F and
cook for 20 minutes more.
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