Real vegetarian food, served in an imaginary world...

Monday 12 March 2018

Fantasy Veggie Dinner Guest - LORD BYRON

George Gordon, Lord Byron
Why? Well, where do I start?

What about here with an example of one of his wonderful poems:

So, We’ll Go No More A Roving
So, we'll go no more a roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.

For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.

Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a roving
By the light of the moon.

Or, maybe, because his heart is buried just down the road from Zelda, in Hucknall...

...near his beautiful ancestral home, Newstead Abbey (where Zelda can be seen with friends Stuie and John and Roxi).

Or, for the fact that he wrote the best epitaph to a pet, ever seen.

Or, perhaps, because he looked like this:

According to BBC History: At Cambridge University, his horror of being fat led to a shockingly strict diet, partly to get thin and partly to keep his mind sharp. Existing on biscuits and soda water or potatoes drenched in vinegar, he wore woolly layers to sweat off the pounds and measured himself obsessively. Then he binged on huge meals, finishing off with a necessarily large dose of magnesia.

So, should I give him a fat-free, low calorie meal or something he could binge on?  
I have decided that we will eat Potato Biscuits to assuage his guilt and then drink red wine from a skull and plan a revolution.

Potato Biscuits
120g plain flour
2tsp baking powder
60g butter melted
150g mashed potato (If using leftover mash, warm through before using)
240ml buttermilk
salt and pepper to taste

Cut greaseproof paper to size and place on a baking tray.
Sift the flour and baking powder into a large mixing bowl.
Add the melted butter, mashed potato and buttermilk 
and mix well until a soft dough has formed which does not stick to the sides. (Add more flour if needed.)
Place on a floured surface and roll out into a rough square, about 1cm thick. 
Cut into circles (Zelda uses a beer glass)...
...and place each on the baking tray.
Bake at Gas 5/ 190°C/ 375°F for 18 to 20 minutes, until golden brown.
These are lovely just as they are. (Hopefully His Lordship will think so, too)
If you fancy keeping some for later, chill and fry in oil. 
Great with a cooked breakfast – Byron still invited!

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