So, in the spirit of all Christmases, past, present and yet to be, let’s lighten the hardest of pre-haunted hearts with a bit of cheese he might be happy to digest.
1 sheet puff pastry
1 leek
3tbsp red onion chutney
1 pack smoked Applewood cheese
1tbsp olive oil
25g butter
Heat the oil and butter.
Meanwhile, place a glass on the pastry,
starting as close to the edge as you can, and cut round it to make a circle. Repeat
as many times as possible (I made 8). Then, with a knife, score an inner ring.
Place on a baking tray or greaseproof paper and
cook at 200°C/ Gas 7 for 5 minutes until the pastry starts to rise.
Remove from the oven and place a small amount
of the onion chutney inside the inner ring of each.
Distribute the cooked leeks equally between
all the tarts.
Cut small chunks of cheese and place 2-3 on top of the leeks.
Cut small chunks of cheese and place 2-3 on top of the leeks.
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